One bucket list item for every baseball fan should be to see a game from field view guest room at the Toronto Marriott City Center hotel. This was our first experience on our baseball trip so it couldn’t possibly get better than that, could it? This was a unique baseball experience from the moment we got here. Let us try to describe it in a way so that you can feel like you were there, too!

Toronto’s Nighttime Magic

Picture this: you’re cruising down Spadina Avenue on a foggy Thursday night, and suddenly, emerging through the mist, the CN Tower stands majestically, in a coat of vibrant blue lights. It was like something out of a sci-fi movie, but no, it’s just Toronto.

You pull up to the Toronto Marriott City Center hotel and, as the valet takes your car away to its underground parking garage, you can’t help but wonder what awaits in your room. The anticipation builds as you step into your temporary but cozy abode, fling open the curtains, and then, BAM! You reveal a sight that makes your jaw drop and is probably still on the floor today. The stadium below is alive with activity—workers moving about, cleaning seats, tending to the field, all under the glow of the stadium lights. It’s like a bustling little village nestled in the heart of the ballpark.

Your room, with its clear glass windows and sliding panels, is a baseball fan’s paradise. The top portion lets in a refreshing breeze and the various sounds of the ballpark below. Sure, there’s the occasional hum of machinery, but it’s a small price to pay for the surreal experience of hearing the crack of the bat echoing through the stadium right outside your window.

Getting Down to Business

Morning arrives, and you peel back the blinds to reveal the stadium in all its glory, workers still laboring away like diligent ants. You head down to the Sportsnet Grill for breakfast, where you’re greeted with the same panoramic views and delicious food. It’s like brunch with a side of baseball.

As the day wears on, you set up your makeshift office by the window, basking in the ambient noise of the ballpark. The aroma of stadium snacks wafts through the air as vendors start setting up their posts, teasing your senses. And when batting practice rolls around, you’re treated to the rhythmic symphony of ball meeting bat, a sound that’s music to any baseball fan’s ears. A little baseball ASMR, if you will.

Game Time for this Unique Baseball Experience

Game time finally arrives, and you settle in for the main event. With dinner ordered from room service and a bottle of wine ready to enjoy, you’re living your best life. The WestJet Flight Deck below becomes your own personal stage, where fans wave and attempt to strike up a conversation. You witness failed and embarrassing flirting attempts and desperate pleas for game giveaways from indifferent security guards, all from the comfort of your pajamas.

Sure, you can hear the distant strains of the stadium music and announcements, but who needs clarity when you’ve got the cozy embrace of your pajamas? They must be speaking Canadian anyway! By the 7th inning stretch, you’re fully committed, pajamas and all, to this VIP baseball experience.

Final Thoughts on This Unique Baseball Experience

So, would we recommend this for your baseball bucket list? Absolutely! If you’re a baseball lover who enjoys the finer things in life, this is an experience you won’t want to miss. Just be prepared to fall in love with baseball all over again, one lazy morning and amazing stadium view at a time.

Hotel room with a view of the Rogers Centre baseball field.
Baseball field view from a personal skybox.
Marc and Brittny Petosa in a field view hotel suite.
Rogers Centre, home of the Toronto Blue Jays.


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